Collection: BEGBEGBEG


BEGBEGBEG is a unique cap brand established in Seoul in 2023.
BEGBEGBEG means 'to beg' to possess something that does not exist in reality.
As a brand based on the subculture of the 1990s, begbegbeg expresses the sexy vintage mood under the slogan ‘Begging is Sexy’ with its sensibility.
In particular, experimental graphics and drawings with the theme of 'angels and love' are incorporated into hats.

BEGBEGBEG 一個2023年在首爾成立的獨立帽子品牌。其意思是「乞求」擁有現實中不存在的東西。
基於90年代次文化,BEGBEGBEG表達了“Begging is sexy”口號下的性感復古情調。以「天使與愛」為主題的實驗性圖形和畫作被融入帽子中。